Mind your business

Deploying purpose in a way that truly profits you and your organisation means purpose gets embedded into everything you do,your DNA. With the right people and tools, this can be done. The Avarana Mind Your Business™ methodology has been developed as a journey with four milestones:

  1. Discover

  2. Embed

  3. Augment

  4. Reflect

We use snazzy tools developed by smart people in this process, and you can measure your performance to inform progress using the Purpose Dashboard tool, created by Avarana.

Purpose dashboard snapshot.JPG

How it works



We provide the knowledge and experience to map where you are and where you could go with purpose as your keel. We also understand the broader societal context that you need to navigate.



Avarana has developed a process to guide you through a journey from discovery to success. It is clear, dynamic and allows you to tailor it to fit to your needs.



Understanding of where you are is the basis for setting your compass to where you need to go. We have developed tools for measurement that will empower you and your people to make decisions from strategy to shop floor, with practical value as the key principle.